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Cara Menemukan Suara Anda dan Menang di Pasar yang Kompetitif

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Bagaimana seharusnya Anda, seorang pemilik bisnis perusahaan jasa profesional, menemukan suara Anda dan memenangkan pasar yang sangat kompetitif dan sulit? Di pasar yang dipenuhi dengan 'saya juga' copy cat profesional; masing- sbobet88 masing menawarkan tingkat dan kualitas layanan yang hampir sama dengan biaya yang sama dengan pekerjaan yang diselesaikan dengan standar kualitas tinggi yang serupa, apa yang harus dilakukan? Bagaimana Anda bisa menemukan suara Anda dan menang? Sebagai seorang profesional, Anda kemungkinan besar benar-benar hebat dalam apa yang Anda lakukan, tetapi dalam hal pemasaran, kemungkinan besar segala sesuatunya mulai menjadi sedikit kaku; Anda mulai merasa kurang nyaman dan yang pasti jika ada pekerjaan klien yang harus diselesaikan akan menempati posisi kedua! Apa yang harus dilakukan! Bagaimana cara melakukannya! Apa yang harus diprioritaskan! Dan yang membuat frustrasi, karena kita semua mencoba yang terbaik, semua orang terlihat hampir sama! Tapi bukankah itu benar. Kami hanya tidak konsisten kami berpindah dari satu ide ke ide lain tanpa berpikir dua kali... sepertinya ide yang bagus. Ini adalah tingkat berpikir yang mendominasi. Dan lebih buruk lagi kami memiliki klien, tetapi kemudian ketika pekerjaan selesai, kami membiarkan mereka lolos; tidak ada sistem, tidak ada ketelitian, tidak ada struktur, tidak ada tindak lanjut, tidak ada rencana nyata, tidak ada waktu dan sebenarnya hampir tidak ada keinginan yang berarti untuk benar-benar menguasai pekerjaan pengembangan bisnis. "Demi Tuhan, kami pandai dalam apa yang kami lakukan, sangat bagus, mengapa mereka melewati jalan menuju pintu kami"!!!! Apakah mengherankan Joe publik memperlakukan profesional sebagai komoditas, mengingat semua perubahan yang terjadi di masyarakat selama beberapa tahun terakhir? Bahwa kita menghadapi pasar yang selalu berubah-ubah. Banyak hari ini menemukan bahwa tidak mungkin untuk menonjol;, Anda tetap tidak terlihat; tetapi untuk menyesuaikan diri tidak lagi berfungsi. Tapi saya di sini untuk mengatakan bahwa ada cara lain; Anda bisa menonjol. Anda harus menemukan suara Anda dan ketika Anda melakukannya, Anda akan merasa jauh lebih mudah untuk mendatangkan klien berkualitas karena Anda akan berada di puncak dalam menemukan prospek, memelihara mereka, dan membawa mereka ke titik ketika mereka membutuhkan Anda layanan Anda adalah orang yang dipilih atau perusahaan yang dipilih Tetapi sebelum Anda mulai melakukan sesuatu, Anda harus memahami dasar-dasarnya:
  1. Anda harus tahu dengan siapa Anda ingin berbicara;
  2. Anda harus tahu apa yang menjadi perhatian mereka dan bagaimana Anda dapat menunjukkan kepedulian Anda dalam konteks kekhawatiran tersebut;
  3. Anda harus jelas tentang posisi kompetitif Anda dalam hal bagaimana Anda ingin terlihat berbeda;
  4. Anda harus jelas tentang apa yang perlu Anda katakan kepada setiap klien target Anda di setiap sektor layanan target pasar yang dipilih,
  5. Anda harus memutuskan apa yang sebenarnya akan Anda katakan;
  6. Anda harus memutuskan cara mana yang paling efektif untuk mengatakan apa yang ingin Anda katakan dengan menggunakan alat komunikasi yang orang ingin gunakan sendiri untuk menemukan informasi yang mereka cari; dan
  7. Anda harus menyiapkan sistem agar semuanya berjalan lancar, Anda dapat melacak kemajuan; Anda dapat melihat apa yang berhasil dan apa yang tidak dan dengan menggunakan sistem dapat tetap memegang kendali, setiap langkah seiring dengan berkembangnya rencana komunikasi Anda.
Menyesuaikan diri bukanlah cara yang harus ditempuh; untuk menyesuaikan diri hanya akan menyabotase prospek kesuksesan yang serius. Anda harus menemukan cara untuk terlihat berbeda, khas dan istimewa dalam konteks pertanyaan yang baru saja saya ajukan.
  1. Apakah Anda tahu layanan mana yang paling menguntungkan Anda? Dan apakah Anda berfokus pada pemasaran ini?
  2. Apakah Anda tahu siapa jenis klien yang paling lapar untuk layanan yang paling ingin Anda jual? Apakah Anda benar-benar jelas tentang sektor klien mana yang paling menguntungkan?
  3. Sudahkah Anda benar-benar mendefinisikan dan apakah Anda benar-benar fokus pada klien target yang paling berharga, layanan demi layanan?
  4. Apakah Anda masih seorang generalis yang berfokus pada berbagai layanan yang menargetkan berbagai sektor pasar; apakah Anda masih khawatir bahwa jika Anda mulai spesifik, Anda akan kalah?
  5. Dan hanya untuk menjawab yang satu ini; jika Anda tidak fokus dengan ketat maka Anda sudah kehilangan banyak waktu untuk mereka yang fokus.
Ini mungkin bukan apa yang telah diajarkan kepada Anda sebagai profesional, tetapi waktu telah berlalu. "Saya tidak suka pemasaran, saya profesional",, bukan lagi alasan untuk tidak melakukannya. Anda tidak suka 'Pemasaran'? Kemudian menyebutnya 'pengembangan bisnis'; kedengarannya lebih baik. Yang benar adalah, dalam lingkungan yang sangat kompetitif dan rendah kepercayaan saat ini, Anda harus keluar dengan cara yang benar-benar berbeda atau Anda mengambil risiko anonimitas! Seperti yang dikatakan William James: "Kebanyakan orang hidup dalam lingkaran potensi keberadaan mereka yang sangat terbatas. Kita semua memiliki cadangan energi dan kejeniusan yang tidak kita impikan". Bagi sebagian besar perusahaan, gaya komunikasi mereka paling tepat digambarkan sebagai membosankan, tidak fokus, dan tidak terstruktur, yang saya maksud adalah 'tidak terkelola'. Sebagian besar profesional memerlukan pendekatan yang sama sekali baru:
  1. Satu di mana Anda terhubung dengan prospek & klien secara emosional serta intelektual;
  2. Satu di mana Anda fokus pada membangun hubungan & hubungan sebelum orang perlu membeli layanan; dan
  3. Satu di mana sikap lama menyendiri dan jauh, 'Saya ahli, saya tahu yang terbaik', dibuang selamanya;
Jadi bagaimana ini bisa dilakukan? Nah salah satu caranya adalah dengan berkomitmen untuk memberikan kepemimpinan. Karena melalui penggunaan alat komunikasi modern ini sekarang mungkin dengan cara yang tidak pernah bisa diimpikan hanya 4 atau 5 tahun yang lalu Ini membutuhkan pemfokusan ulang total di mana Anda menempatkan usaha dan perhatian Anda ketika Anda berkomunikasi dan dalam hal bagaimana Anda berkomunikasi. Dengan mengembangkan gaya kepemimpinan yang berwibawa, tetapi tidak pernah arogan, dalam komunikasi Anda, artinya, yaitu. sebuah yaitu. kompetisi dan bukan klien, Anda tidak hanya akan menemukan suara yang akan didengarkan, tetapi suara yang akan dihargai dan dihormati dengan cara yang sepenuhnya baru Inilah yang akan membedakan Anda... tentu saja memberikan semua dasar-dasar lain yang telah saya singgung sebelumnya telah dibahas. At the heart of gaining authoritative market leadership is the provision of exceptional quality content; content that really makes people take notice. Yeh, yeh yeh, we've heard it before... But were you listening? Did you take note? Did you adopt the right approach. Did you really show through the materials you put out that you really are the expert; that you really can help in very specific situations that the prospects you're targeting really are concerned about? I doubt it! I know when I have a problem and I have need of the services of a professional that I want someone that is not only technically proficient but that has an understanding of my sector, my reality, my predicament, my concerns and who can advise me personally about what I must do next. It is the new market reality that those professionals who communicate the most effectively and when doing so reveal their specific areas of exceptional competence that are going to win out. By developing high value, specifically focused services you help prospects to quickly identify you as the go to firm or the must use professional. Specialisation enables even the smallest of firms to build strong reputations that enable them to out compete the biggest of so called best; the playing field has now been levelled. If your content really shows that you care, that you truly are an expert in your specific area of focus, that you understand the problems people face; that the information you're giving really adds value, value that folk truly relish then not only will they seek you out for more but they will tell others about you too. Viral marketing should now be one of your primary concerns in what's now called the web 2.0 marketing era By providing authoritative focused leadership you can stand head and shoulders above the rest; and whether as an individual, or at the level of the firm, you can transform your prospects. Why? Because a rich mix of well liked online communications tools are now available to enable you to do so. Does all this mean that you have to specialise on a limited number of service sector areas. No. It simply means that your marketing, when undertaken in any areas where you chose to be seen as a specialist, must be clearly focused, How is this possible? Its possible simply because the web and the tools that are available allow you to be as tightly focused, because of their keyword focus, as you want on a service by service target market sector by sector basis. Your communications must clearly reveal the value you bring so that those who find your materials and for whom its most relevant, know that this is just for them and that you're the natural choice for finding out more. And know this. A knock-out blow won't come with a single punch; your target market coming to the natural conclusion that you're the 'go to' firm will only be achieved through a series of well focused touches all of which work in concert, building one on another, so as bring home the quality and excellence of your offer. So what does this take in the modern era to establish an authoritative positioning as the go to firm or the must use professional when traditional communications techniques no longer work as they once did? Well for most it requires a total new mindset; one that's no longer based on traditional marketing formats, outlook or approach:
  1. Its one that requires recognising the power of 'perception' and not getting hung up in terms of what you consider reality..... 'Perception', from the client's perspective, is all! You might be small compared to other players in your marketplace but if you're the perceived 'must use' firm then size doesn't come into play;
  2. In the web 2.0 era it requires an appreciation of the value of the internet, of the social media and of online marketing, particularly the use of online video, to build relationships and establish trust; this is critical;
  3. But appreciation is not enough. It will require starting to use the new media, especially online video, to best advantage; and if you're camera shy, get over it!; You didn't like to type when you had a secretary, now look at you;
  4. It requires recognising that its essential to give of your very best and to give again and again and to keep on doing so with no direct expectation of return. Find that hard, then try the alternative which is not to do it? Its tough, but it's the new reality.
  5. It will require you to stop focusing on selling; folk hate to be sold to, you already know this personally, they prefer to chose to buy and its not you that is going to tell then when to do so or from whom. Given this you're focus has to be on establishing quality relationships and building trust; from this all else will flow
  6. At a tactical level, today, it requires taking advantage of first mover status.
  7. The leading firm in any geographic market that grasps the opportunity afforded by the social media and online video and what we're talking about here in developing an authoritative leadership will have a huge 1st mover advantage; and don't be complacent, there are many who are already stirring and taking some giant steps.
  8. Remember the adage, there are those that make things happen, those that watch things happen and those that wonder what happened; you just have to be a mover; there are no prizes for 2nd place!
  9. It will require recognising the power & importance of really focussing on business development; getting out of a chargeable hours mindset; Most small to medium sized professional firm business owners have to start working far more 'on', not 'in', their businesses;
  10. It will require recognising the power and importance SEO both on and offsite. If this is confusing, see some of my earlier blogs..Very simply stated it requires appreciating exactly:
  11. it will require that you get to grips with internet marketing basics. How often do I hear our website isn't ranking. I know this is playing with words but Google does not rank web sites, it ranks 'web pages', page by page. You must see every page of your website in terms of its independent ranking status; for the keywords you want it to be optimised for
  12. You do not need to be an internet marketing expert, you don't need to understand HTML; you don't need to be able to build a website; but you must appreciate internet marketing basics if you're going to make progress
  13. It will require taking time out to develop integrated campaigns where you make best use of, the social media, by that I mean sites such as,Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn; the many social book marking sites, article sites, online directories, blogs & forums; and
  14. It will require putting your head above the parapet; presenting yourself as someone with insights; and expertise; someone with something very special to offer. And this isn't a one off. You have to be presenting those insights in meaningful and interesting and valuable ways on a regular basis. This is where video can be used to great advantage as folk just don't want to read these days
But if you do:
  1. you'll find other webmasters across the web will start linking their sites to yours and referencing your material; your voice will be heard in ever wider circle;
  2. you'll start to build back links galore which solidify your top rankings for the most important keywords; you're targeting;
  3. web masters will start including your content in their blogs, with some even uploading your material into their social book marking sites; I've been amazed at where my materials keep turning up
  4. in short people will start referring to you as an authority; telling others about you; forwarding your articles; reading your blog and inserting your videos onto their blogs.
It all becomes infectious.
  1. It requires your recognition of what is going to be needed to get your website or blog to the top of the rankings for each of the most important keywords and keyword phrases you want to be ranked for; and when people find you that you're seen to be talking to them in ways that they really appreciate relevant to the keywords they used to find you; an
  2. It requires recognition of the importance of getting on top of your offsite SEO, essentially meaning the building of quality backlinks to each of your website pages
  3. You'll never be found if you're not in the top 3-5 positions in Google for your target keywords.
Start to get these things right and people will start to sit up and take notice, not only of who you are, but what you say, and what you offer. Once you're really effective at this then a truly virtuous upward spiral will arise. As you start to use video, podcasts, blogs, book-marking sites and forums to help people to get to know, like and trust you you'll find you drive evermore qualified traffic to your blog or web site; they'll be evermore backlinks coming in and your rankings will grow and grow, not just for the keywords you've targeted but for many more. All this is yours if the approach is right and if you're genuinely focused on providing quality information that really adds value and that keeps people engaged. Never ever get involved in any automated supply of postings to your blog; it's the quickest rout to total failure. Now all of this begs that you not only have a blog or a web site but that you have ones that really complement all that is going on elsewhere throughout the social media. Why? Well, because offsite, across the social media you should never be focused on selling your services; albeit there are a few exceptions; the social media should be where you're building relationships and establishing trust. Its back home at your website, or often better still at your blog, where you pull things together, where people expect to see the meat of your proposals the strength of your arm. As such a well structured blog or web site has a very different dynamic; one that not only complements the relationship and trust building process but which also highlights, testimonials, and specific service offers and which makes a powerful case in favour of the firm. To conclude, the web has its own natural energy that can be harnessed to help you build status and to find your voice; indeed as you gain status you'll find that things will get going ever-faster. In reality you'll really know when you've found your voice when people who are in your target market for a service you offer start to share your 'stuff' with their friends and colleagues. Why? Because in the modern era that's what friends now do. The result, you become the defacto recommendation; your word is taken as Gospel. Why? Simply because you're now known, liked, & trusted. And remember. Why does this approach work so well? Because when people come to know, like and trust you, before they have a need to make a decision to buy into a professional service, then you become their defacto choice. Are your local competitors doing any this? Menurut Anda, apakah jika Anda menguasai ide-ide ini, atau hanya sedikit di antaranya, Anda dapat berdiri tegak di atas apa yang ditawarkan pesaing dengan fokus mereka pada beberapa iklan lokal, Yellow Pages, sedikit PR, kehadiran di beberapa acara dan situs web statis mereka yang bergaya mahal tetapi benar-benar membosankan? Anda yakin Anda bisa.