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Posts published in February 2019

Useful Information About Hypertension

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Hypertension is the medical term for a condition in which the arterial blood pressure is consistently above the normal range. A blood pressure reading consists of two numbers. The number at the top represents systolic pressure. This is the amount of pressure that the heart generates when pumping blood out through the arteries. The number below represents diastolic pressure. This is the amount of pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest, in between beats. When the reading is above the 140 (systolic)/90 (diastolic) range, it denotes hypertension.

Hypertension may be a risk factor for kidney disease, heart disease, stroke and vascular disease. People with hypertension have a risk of suffering heart attacks and strokes, since it puts a strain on the heart by increasing its need for oxygen.

Hypertension can be caused due to several factors. Some factors include hereditary or genetic tendencies, environmental factors, unhealthy eating habits, stress, smoking, and lack of exercise. Other factors that affect the blood pressure are salt content in the body, volume of water in the body, level of various hormones, and obesity.

Identifying, diagnosing, treating and controlling hypertension at an early stage can significantly reduce the risk of developing heart attacks, kidney failure or strokes.


There are two major types of hypertension: Essential or primary hypertension and secondary hypertension. Primary hypertension is the most common condition, found in 95 per cent of the cases. It has no definite cause. There are several factors that may act in combination, causing the blood pressure to increase. Secondary hypertension is found in five to ten per cent the cases. Here, the increase in blood pressure is caused by a specific defect in one of the organs in the body. Treating the affected organ can control or cure the hypertension.

Other types of hypertension include malignant hypertension, isolated systolic hypertension, white coat hypertension and resistant hypertension. Malignant hypertension is severe and can lead to damage of organs such as the heart, kidneys and the brain. Isolated systolic hypertension results from age related loss of elasticity of arteries, when the blood pressure is consistently above 160/91 mm Hg. White coat hypertension is caused by anxiety and can be controlled by incorporating changes in lifestyle. Resistant hypertension is a condition in which the blood pressure cannot be reduced below 140/90 mm Hg, despite medication.

Control Hypertension With Hypertension Exercises

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High blood pressure and hypertension when left untreated is known as uncontrolled hypertension. In fact, according to recent research about 75 percent of the people suffering from hypertension in the U.S. do not get effective treatment to manage their high blood pressure. Uncontrolled hypertension is much more dangerous than you might think. One thing patients can do to keep track of their health and any potential hypertension problems is to monitor very closely his or her medical check up and do not allow a hypertension situation degenerate to a level that would be considered uncontrolled.

What are some of the causes of uncontrolled hypertension? As mentioned earlier in this article, simply not paying attention to your medical check up is one reason. Not following prescription medication schedules or therapy is another. The high cost of medications and the fear of side effects can also deter patients from receiving the help they need.

Lifestyle habits can also have a profound affect on hypertension problems. We live in a fast paced society of instant gratification and indulgence. Alcohol, smoking, bad eating habits and overeating are all contributing factors to hypertension, and if left unchecked can lead to uncontrolled hypertension.

The effects of uncontrolled hypertension are many and lead to much lower quality and enjoyment of life. One of the most common and dangerous conditions is cardiovascular disease. Mental processes like reasoning ability and memory can also be adversely affected in hypertensive patients. These problems are even more evident in older people who experience a decline in cognitive functions because older patients have lower resistance to the symptoms of hypertension.

Though high blood pressure and uncontrolled hypertension are closely related, uncontrolled hypertension is more dangerous as it can lead to far more serious conditions including stroke and other cardiac problems.

What are your options.

Millions of Americans see doctors every year for hypertension and other related conditions. Untold millions are spent on treatments and medications that may or may not be very effective. Side affects from medications can also be severe and uncomfortable and as a result, many patients are turning to natural health practitioners and methods to treat hypertension. If you are suffering from the affects of hypertension, there a several things you can do right now to help alleviate some of the symptoms and greatly reduce the condition of hypertension.

  1. Exercise. There is no question about it, we have become a very sedentary society. With many of our jobs in an office environment, we just don't get the exercise we need. Walking is one way to help you get the exercise you need and also reduce hypertension.
  2. Diet. Watching what we eat, don't overeat, and limiting the amount of fat we ingest is a powerful way to lower hypertension. Many hypertension problems are cardiovascular system related. Poor diet can lead to dangerous plaque build up in our veins and arteries, which constricts the blood flow raising blood pressure.
  3. Alcohol and smoking. Lowering your alcohol intake and smoking can have a profound affect on hypertension.

Following these simple guidelines will have a profound impact not only on hypertension symptoms, but in overall well being and health as well. It is possible to lower through hypertension exercises designed to treat this condition.

Natural Hypertension Treatment

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Hypertension quite simply is a chronic elevation of blood pressure. It is the most common cardiovascular disease, and is the leading cause of stroke, as well as a major cause of heart attacks. Unfortunately often people do not even realize that they suffer from hypertension. They can readily not even know until it is too late. As if the ailment is not enough to want to seek out natural hypertension treatment, hypertension can also cause damage to not only the heart, but other bodily organs such as the liver, kidneys and brain.

The normal systolic number in a blood pressure reading should be around 140, while the normal diastolic reading is about 90. Systole is the heart rate as it is beating, while the diastole is the heart at rest. A phase of pre-hypertension can occur with a consistent systole reading of between 120 and 139 and a diastole of between 80 and 89. It is a good idea to get natural hypertension treatment during this phase in order to avoid the onset of full blown hypertension.

As a person ages if their systolic blood pressure reading increases too much, it is considered essential hypertension. Likewise when issues begin to arise in the brain, liver, or kidneys, this is referred to as malignant hypertension. As is signified with the term "malignant", this type of hypertensions needs to be aggressively addressed immediately.

Causes of hypertension that can be addressed by natural hypertension treatment include anxiety, tension, stress, over-emotional reactions such as anger, jealousy or shock as well as vital organ malfunctions.

Systolic pressure naturally increases in some people, but hereditary factors in addition to poor diet can greatly contribute to the onset of hypertension. In order to determine the presence of hypertension and possible address with natural hypertension treatment individuals should be aware of the symptoms.

Some symptoms present with hypertension include feeling unstable and dizzy, palpitations, difficulty sleeping, and possible digestive issues. Results stemming from hypertension can include bleeding of the eyes due to narrow capillaries and too much blood pressure force, heart attack, and arterial hemorrhage.

Natural hypertension treatment can be accomplished with strict dietary regime, proper amount of sleep and consistent sleep pattern, appropriate amount and level of exercise and avoiding stress. Along the lines of diet people with hypertension or at risk of developing it should avoid spicy foods, salt, chocolate and other sweets, hydrogenated oils, foods high in carbohydrates and limit red meat. Food items beneficial for natural hypertension treatment include parsley, alfalfa, garlic and other types of herbs that further research could bring to light for one searching for a natural hypertension treatment.

Naturally a doctor should be consulted before taking any homeopathic remedies.

Hypertension quite simply is a chronic elevation of blood pressure. Everyone should get regular physicals so that if a problem is developing it can be detected and treated immediately to avoid worsening conditions. Anyone diagnosed with hypertension should be sure to follow the guidelines put forth by their doctor. These likely will include proper diet, exercise, sleep and as much elimination of stress as possible.

Hypertension – Cause and Treatment

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Hypertension or high blood pressure does not cause people to have a short temper as some people may think. Actually, hypertension does not have any symptoms. Studies indicate that about one in three American adults have hypertension, but because there are no symptoms, about one in three of these people are unaware of it. If it is left untreated, it can lead to heart disease, kidney damage or stroke. These reasons are why hypertension has been labeled as the silent killer. The only way to tell if you have hypertension is to have your blood pressure checked regularly. Although intensive and costly research has been conducted on hypertension, determining the precise cause of hypertension has been elusive.

Doctors have been unable to determine the specific cause of hypertension in about 90 to 95 percent of all cases. This type of hypertension is labeled as primary or essential hypertension. Although the precise cause of primary hypertension has yet to be identified, researchers have been able to find common attributes in people with primary hypertension.

Studies indicate that primary hypertension only occurs to people with a daily intake of salt that exceeds 5.8 grams. Heredity and race were proven to be factors in 30 percent of the cases that were studied. People with a family history of hypertension were twice as likely to get it. And the number of cases of hypertension was greatest among African Americans. Also most of these test subjects exhibited increased stiffness or resistance of their peripheral arteries. This stiffness has been linked to genetic factors, obesity and lack of exercise, excessive salt intake and old age.

About 5 to 10 percent of the cases of hypertension can be attributed to some specific cause and is called secondary hypertension. Chronic kidney diseases, oral contraceptive pills, adrenal gland tumors, chronic alcohol abuse and coarctation of the aorta are known causes of secondary hypertension. Coarctation of the aorta is the most common cause of secondary hypertension in children.

Doctors have not been able to find a cure for primary hypertension, but they have been able to determine treatments that might lower blood pressure to levels that will prevent the complications of hypertension. Secondary hypertension can be managed by treating the underlying cause. If you are a person with mild or moderate hypertension who does not have any damage to the heart or kidneys, you could consider a change in your lifestyle. These changes include maintaining a healthy body weight, lowering the amount of salt you consume, giving up smoking and reducing your consumption of alcohol. Some doctors recommend aerobic exercise for 20 minutes at least 3 to 4 times every week. An eating plan that has been proven to reduce blood pressure is the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) eating plan. This eating plan is from the DASH clinical study, which was paid for by the National Institutes of Health. This diet consists of fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy foods. This diet is low in cholesterol and fat; and high in calcium, potassium, magnesium and protein. Something else you might consider is a relaxation technique such as meditation, yoga, biofeedback and hypnosis.

People with moderate or severe hypertension will probably have to use one of the numerous drugs that have been developed to treat hypertension. These drugs include beta-blockers, diuretics, calcium-channel blockers and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. People with heart failure, diabetes, or asthma should use beta-blockers with caution. If you have heart failure, kidney disease, or diabetes, then you should use ACE inhibitors. Situations involving more severe hypertension may require a combination of two or more of these drugs. These drugs mustbe taken on a daily basis since they only control and do not cure hypertension.

Hypertension – Causes and Symptoms

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With a rapid change in lifestyles, work pressures, a fast paced life or even personal habits, hypertension has come across as a medical issue of significant magnitude and serious concern.

The condition is vastly prevalent in both, developing and developed countries. In United States, 67 million people are afflicted by hypertension, which is nearly one in every three adults, and only half of these people (47%) have the condition under control. Some other medical disorders which are equally risky are also attributed to the condition. Around 7 in 10 people who have their first heart attack are afflicted by hypertension. And the same stands true for stroke as well. Around 8 in 10 people who suffer from their first stroke have high blood pressure. Moreover, hypertension is very often linked with kidney ailments, and if one is suffering from a kidney disease, his chances of contracting hypertension are higher.

What is hypertension?

When our heart beats, it pumps blood through the entire body by means of arteries, and blood pressure is defined as the force of blood on the vessel walls. Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure.

When one's blood pressure is higher, the heart is required to pump harder, and the condition is called hypertension. This is a condition that has many effects on our body. It could cause damage to organs and many illnesses as well, such as kidney failure, heart attacks, stroke or aneurysm, which is swelling of arteries or cardiac chambers.

Normal levels of blood pressure should be below 120/80, wherein 120 is the peak blood pressure in arteries and 80 is the minimum blood pressure in arteries. When blood pressure reaches the limit of 140/90, the condition is known as hypertension.

If one suffers from high blood pressure due to unknown causes, it is known as essential blood pressure. But hypertension may be caused due to secondary causes, such as kidney disorders or tumors, and the same is known as secondary hypertension.

The condition is more prevalent in adults and seniors, but even those younger, teens and children could be at risk. About two million teens and children in United States are afflicted by hypertension.

What causes hypertension?

There are some factors which are known to enhance the risk of occurrence of hypertension. These include smoking, being obese or overweight, not getting regular exercise in everyday life, or even high levels of salt intake.

Similarly, insufficient consumption of calcium, magnesium or potassium from our diets, a deficiency of Vitamin D or higher alcohol consumption increase the chances of prevalence of hypertension. Stress makes one more vulnerable to hypertension, and even genetics, or a prior family history of hypertension makes one more likely to contract the condition. Kidney ailments, some thyroid problems or tumors also make one more vulnerable to hypertension.